Distribusi, saving matrix, rute kendaraan
Distribusi barang pada suatu kendaraan memiliki peranan penting terhadap layanan pada aktivitas logistik. Kombinasi set rute kendaraan terhadap jalur distribusi menjadi hal prioritas. Metode saving matrix dapat menyelesaikan perosalan terhadap penentuan rute yang optimal terhadap kapasitas suatu kendaraan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 2 rute optimal yang digunakan untuk 2 jenis kendaraan terhadap proses distribusi. Rute pertama mengahasilkan jarak optimal sebesar 9,3 km dan rute kedua menghasilkan jarak optimal sebsesar 13,1 km.
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Golden, B. L., Raghavan, S., & Wasil, E. A. (2008). The vehicle routing problem: latest advances and new challenges (Vol. 43). Springer Science & Business Media.
Husen, S., Irawan, S., & Ardani, I. (2020). Determination of Overall Equipment Effectiveness Superflex Machine Using Fuzzy Approach. 4(2).
Laporte, G. (1992). The vehicle routing problem: An overview of exact and approximate algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 59(3), 345–358.
Laporte, G. (2007). What you should know about the vehicle routing problem. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 54(8), 811–819.
Larson, P. D., & Halldorsson, A. (2004). Logistics versus supply chain management: an international survey. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 7(1), 17–31.
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Santosa, S. H., & Hidayat, A. P. (2019). Model Penentuan Jumlah Pesanan Pada Aktifitas Supply Chain Telur Ayam Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri.
Santosa, S. H., Sulaeman, S., Hidayat, A. P., & Ardani, I. (2020). Fuzzy Logic Approach to Determine the Optimum Nugget Production Capacity. 6869.
Yuniarti, R., & Astuti, M. (2013). Penerapan metode saving matrix dalam penjadwalan dan penentuan rute distribusi premium di SPBU Kota Malang. Rekayasa Mesin, 4(1), 17–26.
Zirour, M. (2008). Vehicle routing problem: models and solutions. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis JQMA, 4(1), 205–218.
Erlina, P. (2009). Mengoptimalkan Biaya Transportasi Untuk Penentuan Jalur Distribusi. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik, 9(2), 143–150.
Golden, B. L., Raghavan, S., & Wasil, E. A. (2008). The vehicle routing problem: latest advances and new challenges (Vol. 43). Springer Science & Business Media.
Husen, S., Irawan, S., & Ardani, I. (2020). Determination of Overall Equipment Effectiveness Superflex Machine Using Fuzzy Approach. 4(2).
Laporte, G. (1992). The vehicle routing problem: An overview of exact and approximate algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research, 59(3), 345–358.
Laporte, G. (2007). What you should know about the vehicle routing problem. Naval Research Logistics (NRL), 54(8), 811–819.
Larson, P. D., & Halldorsson, A. (2004). Logistics versus supply chain management: an international survey. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 7(1), 17–31.
Lourenço, H. R. (2005). Logistics Management. In Metaheuristic Optimization via Memory and Evolution (pp. 329–356). Springer.
Pujawan, I. (n.d.). N., dan Mahendrawathi. 2010. Supply Chain Management.
Santosa, S. H., & Hidayat, A. P. (2019). Model Penentuan Jumlah Pesanan Pada Aktifitas Supply Chain Telur Ayam Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri.
Santosa, S. H., Sulaeman, S., Hidayat, A. P., & Ardani, I. (2020). Fuzzy Logic Approach to Determine the Optimum Nugget Production Capacity. 6869.
Yuniarti, R., & Astuti, M. (2013). Penerapan metode saving matrix dalam penjadwalan dan penentuan rute distribusi premium di SPBU Kota Malang. Rekayasa Mesin, 4(1), 17–26.
Zirour, M. (2008). Vehicle routing problem: models and solutions. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis JQMA, 4(1), 205–218.